Ethiopia signs peace agreement with ONLF faction
By Janet Lee
Oct. 13 2010
"The conviction of both sides has brought about a historical reconciliation in the region," Shiferaw said.
On his part, Salahdin said: "We have come to understand the destructive nature of war and war is not the only solution to our problems."
State officials said the government would provide amnesty to the group's members and grant the region the right to self determination up to independence.
However, the spokesman of the ONLF group still waging war dismissed the breakaway rebels as "irrelevant."
"It's irrelevant. They don't represent anybody and it will not change anything in the Ogaden. The fighting will continue," Abderahmane Mahadi told AFP by phone from Britain.
"They are just individuals who want to get constituencies and have power, of course money is also very important."
Tuesday's signing followed the government's annuncement in June that the breakaway group had agreed to lay down arms.