Tigrai Online Dec. 24, 2012
The Tigrai People’s Liberation Front TPLF was an armed rebel group in Tigrai Northern Ethiopia. The TPLF fought for 17 bitter and bloody years to remove the fascist dictatorship of Mengistu Hailemariam from Ethiopia. The TPLF also brought Ethnic equality and social justice to Ethiopia. Ethiopia has been under monarchy or dictatorship for thousands of years. The majority of the Ethiopian people were deprived their god given right to use their own language and worship whatever God they want.
The TPLF had a very highly disciplined and highly organized military force. The TPLF military was 33% female. TPLF female soldiers made history by performing as equal or more than their male counter parts in the difficult struggle. Some of the female soldiers reached to the highest ranks of the rebel army and they were also in the overall leadership of the organization.
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