PFDJ thugs are still on the crosshair of the UN Security Council
Tigrai Online, Ethiopian News, July 2, 2016
The U.N. Human Rights Council has adopted unprecedented resolution requesting the United Nations General Assembly “to submit the report and the oral updates of the commission of inquiry to all relevant organs of the UN for consideration and appropriate action”.
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We all have seen the news reports saying “Eritrea escaped” and the U.N. passed “watered down” resolution. The truth is after the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights on Eritrea presented – COI it’s findings to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the U.N. Human Rights Council has adopted unprecedented resolution requesting the United Nations General Assembly “to submit the report and the oral updates of the commission of inquiry to all relevant organs of the UN for consideration and appropriate action”. What that means is the COI report will be submitted to all the UN bodies including the UN Security Council which will refer the case to the International Criminal Court – ICC.
The Eritrean regime and its supporters were tirelessly working for the COI report to be dismissed by the U.N. Human Rights Council. It did not get dismissed in fact the case is fully on the United Nations agenda. What is new is the UN body wanted the African Union to take the leading role of investigating the crimes of the Eritrean government against the Eritrean civilian population.
The PFDJ criminals were hoping the world community to throw out the COI report calming it was the work of the United States of America and the Ethiopian government (“Woyane”) and some crazy three individuals. The report is passed and accepted by the U.N. Human Rights Council. The process will continue to send the Eritrean regime leaders to ICC. There is no escaping or watering down going on.
Then you might ask what are the PFDJ cadres celebrating all over the cyber world? Well unfortunately the international politics is not straight forward like any national politics. Many of the powerful countries in the United Nations play word games which sound different, but mean different to further their own interest. The voting also is based on what all the countries wanted to achieve even though the voting may not have anything to do with them. There is a lot of “scratch my back and I will scratch yours” kind of deal going on in the UN. That is the reason the U.N. Human Rights Council didn’t directly submit the COI report about Eritrea to the Security Council, instead the resolution said the most powerful body of the UN with “primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security” this sentence clearly refers to the UN Security Council.
Slowly but surly the whole world is becoming aware the PFDJ thugs in Asmara have committed heinous crimes against humanity in Eritrea. They also are responsible for the lives of the Ayder elementary school children in Mekelle, Tigrai in 1998.
Ultimately the Eritrean people will decide if they want to remove this cancerous group from power and live in peace in the region or not. Not Ethiopia, the UN, the Arabs or the AU can bring a democratic change in Eritrea only the Eritrean people can, but the outside pressure like the passing of COI report to relevant bodies of the UN will facilitate that change.
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