EPRDF Council elects Dr. Abiy Ahmed as its Chairman
Tigrai Online, March 27, 2018
GERD in the eyes of the Sudanese
Ethiopia’s ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front Council – EPRDF has elected Dr. Abiy Ahmed as its Chairman. Usually the Chairperson of EPRDF becomes the Prime Minister of the country. Dr. Abiy Ahmed is leader of the Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization (OPDO) section of EPRDF.
According to news sources Demeke Mekonnen, the current deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia and the candidate of ANDM didn’t participate in the election leaving only three candidates Dr. Debretsion G/Michael of the TPLF, Dr. Abiy of the OPDO, and Shiferaw Shigute of the SEPDM. Why did Dr. Demeke Mekonnen remove himself from the candidate list?
If Dr. Abiy is approved by the Ethiopian Parliament, he will be the first Muslim leader in the entire history of Ethiopia. The majority of Ethiopians would not have any problems with his faith, but his administration will face one of the most difficult times to govern Ethiopia. The country is dealing with internal and external enemies who are working day and night to dismantle Ethiopia and it seems it is coming apart at the seams.
Dr. Abiy secured 108 votes out of 180 to win the chairmanship of EPRDF. We hope his election has nothing to do with the Qeerroo Youth Movement which was sweeping throughout the Oromo region causing so much destruction and suffering to many Ethiopians. If the election was somehow impacted by the destructive actions of the Qeerroo, we have to think what message is being sent to the rest of Ethiopian population.
EPRDF Council elects Dr. Abiy Ahmed as its Chairman Abiy Ahmed is leader of the Oromo Peoples Democratic Organization
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