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Eritrea is one of the top 5 Poorest Countries in the World

Tigrai Onlne - December 18, 2013

MEDREK’s Girma Seifu Maru
There is no civil war in Eritrea: its people flee because their isolated homeland could pass as an African version of North Korea. Like the Kim regime in Pyongyang.

4: Eritrea, $705 GDP per capita
War-torn East African Eritrea has had its share of violence just like Liberia, but unlike the fifth-ranked member on our list, only rumors about Eritrea's natural resources have sprung up. Major energy and materials companies haven't moved into this country, which saw its economy slugged by war with neighboring Ethiopia to start the millennium. It hasn't gotten much better for the Eritrean people since, as allegations of government corruption and abuse have turned the country into a top global producer of fleeing refugees, according to United Nations investigations.

Unlike Liberia, the situation here isn't likely to get much better fast -- for either Eritreans or global companies with African ambitions, such as aforementioned ExxonMobil and PetroChina. With Eritrea's oil and energy situation a virtual unknown and little in the way of economic or political stability, this is a country stuck in a rut. The IMF estimates that Eritrea's per-capita GDP adjusted for purchasing power parity will grow only around 1.7% between 2013 and 2018, a mark that will lead to the nation being ranked as the second-poorest country in the world by that time.

Here are the top 5 poorest countries in the world
1, Democratic Republic of the Congo, $386 GDP per capita
2, Zimbabwe, $571 GDP per capita
3, Burundi, $640 GDP per capita
4, Eritrea, $705 GDP per capita
5, Liberia, $710 GDP per capita

Another ship carrying about 250 people capsized Friday off the coast of Sicily
Last October a boat carrying about 500 mostly Eritrean immigrants caught fire killing over three hundred. The Eritrean government is asking for financial help from the Italian government to ship their bodies back home.

In this video Eritrea blames the United States for all the deaths of it's citizens in the sea. How is the tragedy connected to the United States, no body knows. All the time the Eritrean government as if to say we are big we can fight with America, try to implicate America in everything evil that happens in Eritrea.

Source: Daily Finance - http://www.dailyfinance.com/2013/12/14/the-5-poorest-countries-in-the-world/?a_dgi=aolshare_twitter

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