Tigrai Online - Ethiopian Daily Breaking News
TDA and Etio – Witten to build a Primary School in Duramba
By Weldeslasie Reta Kelkay
Tigrai Online, March 3, 2015
Tigrai Development Association (TDA) is a tax exempted none profit organization established 25 years ago. The association in collaboration with its members, supporters and development partners implemented over four thousand projects that benefited over four million people. It primarily focuses on alleviating problems on the education sector. TDA constructed and furnished over six hundred schools in Tigrai. Furthermore, TDA implemented projects on the health sector, reduction of unemployment, supporting culture, art and sports of the region.
TDA as a member based organization has chapters all over Tigrai, 30 chapters in major Cities of Ethiopia, 30 chapters and sub chapters in different countries of Europe, America, the middle east, and Africa.
TDA – Germany is one of the leading chapters that TDA has. The chapter together with its members and development partners constructed four primary schools, and shipped bio – engineering equipment that is worth over 100 million birr. TDA – Germany also sent professionals provided Tigrai health institutions with medical services transfer their knowledge in installation, maintenance and operation of medical equipment.
TDA – Germany is closely working with its’ reliable development partner Etio – Witten. Etio – Witten is a charitable organization based in Witten City of Germany. This organization is established and led by Dr. Ahmedin Indres and his friends. The organization has been providing health services, training and equipment to health institutions in Tigrai in general and Ayder referral hospital in particular.
Years had pass since Mekelle University, particularly Ayder referral hospital joined TDA, TDA – Germany and Etio – Witten in executing development endeavours in Tigrai. It took its share when TDA – Germany and Etio – Witten as well as TDA initiated any project.
Members of the Etio-Witten group; Helga, Tina and Birgets eating lunch in rural Tigrai.
last year members of Etio – Witten, namely Brigets, Helga and Tina paid a visit to one of the makeshift schools in Kolla Tembien Wereda. The school is Duramba Primary School with over 400 students. The three kind and honest ladies touched by what they saw in the school. Beautiful little kids sat on stones; Follow their classes attentively; suffered from the bitter heat and wind. Having seen these touching stories, the three ladies flew back home (to Germany) and started to look for funds that enable them to replace the makeshift school with a proper building. Using different fund raising methods, they managed to collect enough money and came back to Ethiopia last week to commence building of the new school project.
The three ladies together with other Etio – Witten members, vice chairman of TDA – Germany, Staff of TDA Headquarters, and members of the media started their journey to Duramba Primary School on the morning of 24th of February 2015. Going through the town of Hagere Selam and Agbe the group arrived at town of Abiadi.
In the town Abiadi, the group had excellent lunch and a great hot coffee at Azeb Coffee House.
After the short break in Abiadi, the group headed to the Duramba Primary School about seven kilometres away from the town. After a short drive the group arrived at Endamariam Etsiwto where the school is located. Community leaders and school children holding the national flag welcomed the group.
Moments later the group was served honey with bread, fruits of bananas, orange etc. later that speeches were delivered by the community leader, Wereda administrator, Chairperson of Etio – Witten, TDA, and TDA – Germany. Short after that, German artists, traveling with the group, performed for the local people and students. Following this, some games and educational materials were handed over to students by the etio – Witten group.
German artists, traveling with the Etio-Witten group, performing for the local people.
After all the festivities were done the representatives of the organization and the administrator of the Wereda laid the corner stone of the new school.
From Endamariam Etsiwuto the group headed to visit another school named Lealay Seken Primary School. The visiting group was warmly welcomed by the community and the group observed how kids attend classes in the school. The group, as they did at Duramba, handed over gifts to students and the school.
After a very successful visit to the two communities the group began its journey back to Mekelle. On the way back to Mekelle the group rested in Maylomin lodge and returned to Mekelle right after 12:00 o’clock in the after none.
26th of February 2015 was a remarkable day for cultural ties between Ethiopia and Germany. A group of Germen Artists, with the help of TDA – Germany, Etio – Witten and Mekelle University, visited Ethiopia. The Germany artists, Circus Tigrai and artists from Cultural Association of Tigrai performed at Hawelti Semaetat. It was astonishing to see the three groups performing for the same purpose. The trio cultural troop performed in front of over five thousand residents of Mekelle.
The next day we visited Melea Primary School in Wereeleke Wereda. The primary school was in a poor condition. When we were on our way to Mekelle the group members discussed what they saw in Melea Primary school and they all were sad. The group promised they will do whatever it takes to build a standard school in place of the makeshift one the community is using as a school.
For further information on TDA
Website: www.tdaint.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tdaint
Youtube: www.youtube.com/tdaint
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tdaint
E-mail: tdaint20@gmail.com
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