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German parliament the Bundestag discusses Eritrean human rights

Tigrai Online, June 11, 2015

The German parliament the Bundestag discussed the worsening human rights situation in Eritrea on June 10, 2015

The German parliament the Bundestag discussed the worsening human rights situation on June 10, 2015. Representatives of different parties took to the podium to express their outrage on how the Eritrean government is treating its own people. The German parliament brought the Eritrean human rights issue as a main agenda in support of the UN Human Rights Commission Report released on Monday detailing a massive gross human rights abuse by the Eritrean government.

All the speakers expressed disgust and anger towards the Eritrean government for making excuses about a border conflict with Ethiopia to keep the people under a strong iron fist. The German government and the European parliament could not be silent when unimaginable gross human rights abuse is taking place in Eritrea. The German parliamentarians said 365 thousand Eritreans have made the dangerous journey to Europe. Many thousands of Eritreans have perished in the deserts of northern Africa and the Mediterranean Seas trying to make it to Europe the speakers added.

The German parliament Representatives strongly oppose the purposed up to 200 million euro aid to be given to the Eritrean government. The high German political officials said the aid money will not be used to help the Eritrean people, instead it would be used to oppress the population of Eritrea and most of it will be going to the Eritrean dictators pockets.

Any German cooperation work with the dictatorial Eritrean regime has been stopped in 2008 and we can’t help the Eritrean people directly.   

UN report released Monday said “The Government of Eritrea is responsible for systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations that have created a climate of fear” in Eritrea. The 500 page report concluded “It is not law that rules Eritreans – but fear


As the whole worled is increasingly worried about the situation in Eritrea, Ethiopians are also worried what the desparate brutal regime in Eritrea might do next. As the situation inside Eritrea gets worst by the day, some Ethiopians are saying the Eritrean regime which is stuck between a rock and hard place might launch a military offensive in northern Ethiopia to divert the international communities attention and claim Ethiopia invaded Eritrea.

The Ethiopian army and security forces should pay especial attention to the movements of the Eritrean army and the terrorist puppets like Gim-7. A preemptive offensive may be nessesary to avert any attack by Shabiya and send a stong statement.

The Ethiopian development and economic progress should not be jeperdized by a lunitic mad dog.

The German parliament the Bundestag discussed the worsening human rights situation in Eritrea on June 10, 2015
The German parliament the Bundestag discussed the worsening human rights situation on June 10, 2015

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