Tigrai Online - Ethiopian Daily Breaking News
The Ethiopian people know what they want and they voted for EPRDF which represents economic development, social progress, justice and democracy. The Mega projects are not an accident, they are carefully and meticulously planned and executed to perfection.
Ethiopia successfully completes Gilgel Gibe III dam
Tigrai Online, June 29, 2015
Hudreds of people celebrating the complition of the Gilgel Give III dam at the location.
Against all odds the Ethiopian people and government has successfully completed one of the biggest mega projects, the Gilgel Gibe III hydro electric dam is done.
The Gilgel Gibe III dam is the second largest hydro eclectic dam in Ethiopia next to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam – GERD dam which is half way finished. Gilgel Gibe III is a 610 meter-long or 2,000 feet and 243 meter or 797 feet high roller-compacted concrete dam. It will be producing 1870 Megawatt of energy. This huge dam will add almost 2000 megawatts of power to the national grid instantly doubling available power to the country.
The Gilgel Gibe III project like all Ethiopian mega projects had encountered huge opposition by the prophets of poverty and enemies of the Ethiopian people. Groups like the International Rivers, Friends of Lake Turkana, The Oakland Institute, and other groups hell bent to keep the Ethiopian people begging for wheat flour forever campaigned relentlessly to stop the project until the end. These groups fabricated bogus claims of environmental damage to the local area and beyond. Those groups who are actually working for the interest of their western countries accused the Ethiopian government knowingly trying to hurt the people in the Omo valley.
Those foreigners who have absolutely nothing to do with Ethiopia or the people in the local area manufactured false information claiming the project threatens the food security and local economies of the Lower Omo basin people in southwest Ethiopia and along the shores of Kenya's Lake Turkana, but nothing can be far from the truth.
The truth behind this special interest groups aggressive opposition to Gilgel Gibe III project is not because they care about the environment or the Omo Valley people. It is because they want Ethiopia to remain poor and destitute and the local people light years from civilization walking around naked for their amusement. They want their respective countries to suck our natural resources and row material dry and want to make our country a dumping ground for their toxic junk.
Ethiopia is unstopable from now on the sucsessful complition of this mega project is sign of greatness of Ethhiopia
Fortunately the Ethiopian people are far smarter than this groups who are trying to stop our miracle transformation and determined to get out of abject poverty. Thanks to the Ethiopian people and the strong Ethiopian government the mega dam is finished and it will be inaugurated very soon.
Here is what the architect of the new Ethiopian renaissance the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said about this issue in 2011, "While Ethiopia is very grateful to all our partners for their support of our hydropower projects so far and hopes that this will continue in the future, it will never stop its program because of lack of external support. We are so convinced of the justice of our cause, so sure of the strength and rationality of our arguments, so convinced of the role of our hydropower projects in eliminating poverty in our country that we will use every ounce of our strength, every dime of money that we can save to complete our program".
The above quotation embodies the determination of Ethiopians to do whatever it takes become great again. Despite all the odds and the best efforts of our enemies to keep us backward and poor, our passion to reclaim our past glorious history and go beyond our ancestors is stronger than anything to propel us to a brighter future.
The more Ethiopia develops, the more our enemies will be jealous and try to destabilize our country, but their sinster plot against Ethiopia is futile. As just people we have the truth on our side and that is what matters most. The challenge for the ordinary Ethiopian now is to sift through the pile of propaganda and lies out there and see true transformation taking place in our beloved Ethiopia.
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