Tigrai Online - Ethiopian Daily Breaking News
Eritrea cranks’ out yet another phantom Ethiopian rebel group made in Eritrea
Tigrai Online January 11, 2015
The only country in the world manufacturing and exporting rebel groups is Eritrea.
The Eritrean regime rolled out a brand new Ethiopian rebel group made from two old worn-out organizations squashed and molded together in the capital of the tiny Horn of African nation. The squeezing and forceful union was personally done by his Excellency President Isaias Afewerk in a much publicized fanfare. There were invited guests and dignitaries attending the merger. High level leaders of the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Shabab were among the dignitaries present at the historic earthshaking event.
The two rebel groups who got to the arranged marriage are the Ethiopian Peoples Patriotic Front (EPPF) and Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy (Ginbot 7).
This merger is supposed to be a game changer in the history of Ethiopia and it was advertised by the organizers (the Eritrean government) as such. The merger of those empty vehicles is so important to the Eritrean regime it invited all available media to the event. Journalists with their camera crew from it’s internet television the Eritrean (“Ethiopian”) Satellite Television (ESAT) traveled from the United States of America to Asmara. ESAT TV which is established and financed by the Eritrean regime and it’s Arab backers is created to spread propaganda aimed at the total destruction of Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Peoples Patriotic Front (EPPF) was established long time ago by Eritrea.
In the early 1990s EPPF attracted a few young people from the north west of Gonder area in Ethiopia. After a few years in the barren lands of Eritrea the young Ethiopians and their leaders found out the true mission of Shaebiya for their country Ethiopia. The Eritrean regime was not worried about democracy, justice, equality, rule of law and development in Ethiopia. What the Eritreans wanted for Ethiopia was to create endless civil war and plunge Ethiopia into unimaginable bloodshed.
After they clenched their independent, the Eritrean regime leaders had a well thought out plan for Ethiopia. The plan was to keep Ethiopia poor, weak and divided if possible broken in to small fiefdoms. After Ethiopia is significantly weakened, Eritrea will become the super power of the region by manipulating and intimidating the people of the greater Horn of Africa. Eritrea will be the richest country by stealing and exporting Ethiopian natural recourses. The Eritrean plan was great on paper, but it had a small problem. The Eritrean leaders forgot the genuine desire of Ethiopians to be united and their ferocious appetite to be independence.
Here is where the EPPF confronted Shaebya head on. Most of EPPF leaders at that time refused to implement Eritrea’s evil plan for Ethiopia. The Eritreans arrested many of them and some of the leaders were killed. EPPF was created and destroyed by Shabiya long time ago.
Ginbot-7 was very weak from the get go and it’s existence was more in name than in reality. A short time after Ginbot’7 was established by the Eritreans for the above mentioned goal, it started split in to two then to three groups. Now Ginbot-7 is splitting faster than a fertilized embryo.
Those two nearly none existent organizations are merged to create a phantom super army known as “Arbegnoch – Ginbot7 for Unity and Democracy Movement” (AGUDM). We are sure the gallant Ethiopian army is so afraid they are shaking in their boots. The Eritrean regime websites and their supporters are so happy to spread this fake news. One would ask why the Eritreans are so happy for this news. Most of them are delusional and they think the evil master plan of shaebiya is coming true in Ethiopia.
Why is Shaebiya working so hard to see Ethiopia as a failed state? The Eritrean leadership lied to the Eritrean people they will better off by themselves because Ethiopia is a sinking ship, but Ethiopia is united more than ever. Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and Ethiopia is becoming stronger every year. The Ethiopian people are defeating poverty and changing their lives for the better. All the positive development in Ethiopia is seen as missiles aiming at it’s core by Shaebiya. The reason is the Eritrean people fought to be better and they are worst than they were under the Derg dictatorship. Sensible Eritreans are asking questions now, what is the benefit of being independent and what happen to all the promises like “we will be like Singapore”? There are no real answers for these questions except the Eritrean people were deceived for the benefit of the Egyptians under a fictitious motto.
In 2015 the Eritrean people are bewildered and confused by what is happening to them and their country. Eritreans are fleeing their country and they are symbols of hopelessness and misery in the world.
The suffering of the Eritrean people didn’t stop the regime in Asmara from manufacturing fake phantom Ethiopian rebel armies. Meanwhile the Ethiopians are designing and manufacturing rockets to be launched in to space.
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