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Knowing the process how Dr Abiy is becoming a Prime Minister of Ethiopia

Tigrai Online, April 1, 2018

Dr. Abiy Ahmed the next Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr Abiy’s sending to the premiership is a result of EPRDF’s amazing social change in Ethiopia, not a result of disorder or public disturbances.


Knowing the process how Dr Abiy become the Chairman of EPRDF and is becoming a Prime Minister of Ethiopia is essential for the stability of the country. The Ethiopian social media is rife with rumors of how Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali came about to the position he is at.

The extremist side is saying the four EPRDF member organizations are so divided and the TPLF is being pushed out by the other three members. On top of that they say the TPLF candidate didn’t get elected by his own organization. On the other hand they say TPLF wanted a certain person to be elected and they were betrayed by the other organization. Some others say it was a brilliant plan by Mr. Lemma Megersa of OPDO and Mr. Gedu Andargachew of ANDM to execute a perfect silent coup in the government.


What most of those coffee shop analysts are forgetting is that EPRDF is one organization no matter how divided it seems. The bottom line is none of the EPRDF member organizations will not take any action that will endanger EPRDF because, their existence depends on their collective strength. The other point is the point of the election and rearrangement is to bring peace and stability to Ethiopia not to please or displease certain groups. In addition to that no amount of intrigue or conspiracy would sideline the TPLF in Ethiopian politics.

The EPRDF’s lack of transparency in the election process and most of their meetings is fuelling the rumors. If EPRDF will announce the on national TV how many members of any given organization voted for whom, there would not be any rumors and ambiguity about the results. IF it is not based on votes instead if it was negotiated they should be very clear about that.

It is important the Ethiopian people know exactly what happened and what are the circumstances for the resignation of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and the election of his replacement Dr Abiy Ahmed? If the facts are not clear people will have the wrong ideas especially the groups that running around destroying public and private property, disrupting the normal movement of goods and people, and hurting Ethiopians. Hooliganism and anti peace actions should not be rewarded in any shape of form. Any group or entity that aspires to bring any change in Ethiopia should work through the Ethiopian constitution only.

Dr Abiy’s asending to the premiership is a result of EPRDF’s amazing social change in Ethiopia, not a result of disorder or public disturbances. It should be crystal clear to everyone that Dr Abiy Ahmed as a Prime Minister of Ethiopia will be accountable first to the Ethiopian people and the to the integrity of the country. Ethiopia will not be run from Cairo or Minnesota.


Dr Abiy has a chance to correct the wrongs done in the past three years in Ethiopia in general and in the Oromo region in particular. The EPRDF government has been so generous to the point of foolishness regarding the catastrophe taking place in Oromo and Amhara regions, but there is a limit to how much nonsense the Ethiopian people can take. The groups who are wielding sticks and throwing rocks, need to know that most Ethiopian can do that, but there are people who can throw not only rocks, but F1s.

Note from TOL Admin:
We apologize for mistakenly saying that Dr Abiy Ahmed Ali is Muslim in our previous publication.


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