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Tigrai will never kneel down
In the year 2014 Messebo Cement Factory has made an excellent performance

Messebo Cement Factory celebrated a successful annual performance day in Mekelle city

By Haileselassie Beyene
Tigrai Onlne - July 16, 2014

Mekele, Tigrai: Messebo Cement Factory celebrated a successful annual performance day at the martyrs’ hall on July 3, 2014. The occasion was much colourful and a source of delight to all the employees and the employers as well. Messebo Cement Factory has opened an opportunity to more than 1800 permanent, about three hundred temporary and internships. There are also more than seven of Micro and Small Enterprises groups who have been sharing the employment opportunity in the company.

Tigrai will never kneel down

In the year 2014 Messebo Cement Factory has made an excellent performance on acquiring skills on machine operation and maintenance, and on the establishment of development army of the company through quality circles.

The working culture in Messebo Cement Factory is completely being changed. The employees and the management have started developing sense of ownership and have begun working hand in hand so that they could increase production in the whole process. The employees try to produce modified machines that definitely show cost reduction in the company. During this budget year they have achieved more than 90.2 million birr cost reductions that is a big leap.

Hence, Messebo Cement Factory has awarded different awards to more than four hundred employees and management members. This is really a means of aspiration and motivation to both of them to make sustainable the fast and continuous improvement management system of the company. The different awards and medals were given by her Excellency W/o Azieb Mesfin CO of Endowment Fund for the Rehabilitation of Tigrai (EFFORT). Then, we’d like to say to all participants, JUST KEEP IT UP!

Tigrai will never kneel down

Messebo cement Factory in the outskirst of Mekelle Tigrai state