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Mekelee University Vacancy Announcement

Tigrai Online, June 8, 2015

Vacancy Announcement for recruitment of managing directors through ECBP

Organizational Brief:

Mekelle University (MU) is one of the leading Higher Education Institutions in Ethiopia. The University is based in Northern part of Ethiopia, enrolling about 33,000 students in its seven colleges and six institutes in both natural and social science fields.

Mekelle University strives to deliver world-class education, high quality research and customer oriented community service.

Currently, it's undergoing structural and systemic reform to avail intellectually stimulating academic and research environment. The University envisions being a center of excellence and one of the leading African Universities in the next five years. Accordingly, Mekelle University would like to recruit international expatriate staffs that can bring wealth of global experience and expertise in (1) Hospital management (2) University – Industry linkage (3) University Transformation and (4) international Partnership to drive the change process in its teaching hospital and University level. This is part of the ECBP.

Job title for the available positions

  1. Hospital Managing Manager
  2. University - Lndustry Linkage Advisor
  3. University Transformation Managing Director
  4. International Partnership And Internationalization Managing Director

Send Your Applications To: ccia@mu.edu.et

More information including job description, duties and required qualification is available in a PDF file. Please click this link for details of each position

Mekelee University Job opening Announcement
Mekelle University (MU) is one of the leading Higher Education Institutions in Ethiopia. The University is based in Tigrai Regional State Northern Ethiopia, enrolling about 33,000 students in its seven colleges and six institutes.


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