Tigrai Online - Ethiopian Daily Breaking News
Columbus Ohio Celebrated the 9th Annual Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Day
By Kahassai Tafese
Tigrai Online December 9, 2014
The 9th Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Day was colorfully celebrated in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday December 7th. More than 400 people representing all the nations and nationalities of Ethiopia were present at the celebration which was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel inside the Columbus Convention Center.
The celebration was attended by His Excellency Ambassador Girma Birru and Consular Merkebu Beyene representing the Ethiopian Embassy to the USA and the Government of Ethiopia. The event was also, attended by local religious leaders, leaders of the Ethiopian Community & Civics Organizations as well as Ethiopians from as far as Minneapolis Minnesota and Indiana.
While in Columbus His Excellency Ambassador Girma Birru also, conducted business meetings with local officials, current and potential investors and representative of The Ohio State University. Among the meeting participants were: Angela Dawson, Executive Director of Commission on Minority Health, Former Senator Ray Miller; Mr. Abdikhayr H. Soofe, New American Initiative Outreach Coordinator for City Of Columbus Community Relations Commission – Representing Mayor Michael B. Colman. The Mayor sent a proclamation letter recognizing and welcoming His Excellency Ambassador Girma Biru; Dr. Jean Schelhorn, Director of Commercialization of The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine; Heidi Eldred, Director, Graduate Global Experiential Education Programs and Global Applied Projects office of Global Business, Fisher College of Business; Dr. J.S. Jindal, UN International Festival Chair; Angelique Kidd Smith, Co-Founder The Community Project: Ethiopia; Dr. Martin Portillo, Chief Medical Officer of Molina Healthcare; and Mr. Chris Burd, CEO – Executive Managing Director of Chase Bank.
On Behalf the Ohio Hedase Mikerbet and the event organizing committee we would like to extend great appreciation to Ambassador Girma Biru for coming to celebrate with us, Mayor B. Colman for the wonderful recognition of our ambassador, and all our gussets for making our event a HUGE success. Special thanks to Angela Dawson for her help in extending invitation to so many important community leaders of our beautiful city.
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