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Call for second – round TSAN-MU 2014 Summer Tutoring/Mentoring programme

TSAN -MU Summer 2014 programme coordinators
Tigrai Onlne - May 31, 2014

As a continuation to the 2013 joint TSAN (International Tigrians Scientific and Academic Network)–MU (Mekelle University) tutoring/mentoring programme, which was given for about 600 grade 10th and 12th students who came from Tigray high schools and preparatory schools, TSAN and MU are now more than glad to announce that the programme will continue for the coming summer with more number of participating students and additional inspiring programmes besides to Tutoring/Mentoring such as consultation service, computer training, science/technology fair/exhibition, academic visits to educational sites (laboratories, industries, Dams, Wind/solar plants,…) etc. Hence, high performing university students are cordially invited to apply for the 1 ½ month extensive summer programme that will takes place in Mekelle/Tigray. Same as last year, the tutoring/mentoring programme will be focusing on Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, Economics and History.

What does TSAN-MU offer to successful tutors?

  • Accommodation and food service during the whole programme duration + one week preparation time
  • Financial support (Pocket money) covering for the total programme duration– The amount and mechanism of payment will be notified at the time of contract in the presence of both sides.  
  • Participation certificate  and other related benefits
  • Possible project sponsorship for their degree final project
  • Package of Teaching materials, access to Internet etc
  • Opportunity to detailed interaction with TSAN-MU resource people, enabling for further personal and professional development prospects, such as scholarships, trainings etc.  

Currently TSAS-MU would like to recruit about 20-25 high scorer university degree and above students as tutors/Mentors and the applicants need to send the following documents:

  • Final Grade report (if possible recent cumulative grade report)
  • Motivation letter (why you want to apply to this programme?)
  • Recommendation letter ( not mandatory, but beneficial)
  • Certificates such as of  teaching experience or other community services are encouraged
  • Female applicants are highly encouraged

Applicants need to send scanned form of the above documents all-together starting from the date of announcement (31/05/2014) to tsansociety@gmail.com (TSAN) and mengistuhailu@yahoo.com (MU) simultaneously and the deadline is set for 12/06/2014 at 18:00 (Paris, Berlin, Rome, and Brussels) time.

N.B: - Results of successful candidate tutors will be announced on 14/06/2014.

The date of actual programme commencement will be publicized in due or ahead of time.

TSAN -MU Summer 2014 programme coordinators

Call for second – round TSAN-MU 2014 Summer Tutoring/Mentoring programme

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