Business Development Service Providers in Tigrai
Private commercial Business
Sheba Info-Tec and Business College
Tel. 00251-04-408620, Fax. 00251-04-408621 Website: P.O.Box 362, Mekelle Gives training in: Computer Science, Management, Accounting, Secretarial Science, Information Technology, Purchasing, Supplies and Sales. Provides consultancy services to existing entrepreneurs as well as to business start-ups. Undertakes feasibility studies for investors, etc. New Millennium College Tel. 00251-04-406144 Fax. 00251-04-406088 Email: P.O.Box 1320, Mekelle Provides short-term training in collaboration with different organisations and the fields offered by the College includes:- Accounting, Human Resource and Supplies Management, Marketing, Management, Secretarial Science, Computer Science, Bookkeeping and Data Entry Gives consultancy service.
Non Governmental Organizations
Don Bonsco Technical School
Tel. 00251-04-400333 Fax. 00251-04-402682 P.O.Box 08, Mekelle Technical training for middle level technicians. Provides technical training in areas like auto-mechanics and machine shops.
Relief Society of Tigray
Tel. 00251-04-406300 Fax. 00251-04-406714 P.O.Box 20, Mekelle Organises and facilitates various training programmes in rural parts of the state based on need assessment in the fields of livestock, horticulture development through irrigation, etc. Encourages economic diversification.
Wukro Saint Mary Vocational School for Agriculture and Commerce
Tel. 00251-04-407877 Fax. 00251-04-407877 P.O.Box 12, Wukro Vocational training at 10+1 and 10+2 level Gives vocational training in the fields such as Secretarial Science, Office Management, Wood Work, Electricity, General Mechanic, Accounting, etc.
Public Organizations
TVET Mekelle
Tel. 00251-04-407469 P.O.Box 120, Mekelle Implementation of the TVET Strategy Provides training in:-Micro and Small Enterprise area, Rural Development and Agriculture.
Tigray Bureau of Trade and Industry
Tel. 00251-04-406735 Fax. 00251-04-406736 P.O.Box 46, Mekelle Register enterprises and issues licenses Provides training and Gives information service.
Mekelle University Faculty of Business and Economics
Tel. 00251-04-407600 Fax. 00251-04-407610 E-mail: P.O.Box 451, Mekelle Gives short-term training mostly in the area of basic accounting. The Faculty is also planning to give short- term training in the area of micro-finance in the near future Also undertakes some MSE related research activities.
Tigray Development Association Skill Training Centre
Tel. 00251-04-406944 Fax. 00251-04-407977 E-mail:tda: P.O.Box 469, Mekelle Skill Training The Skill Training Centres provides training in areas like construction, wood and metal works, carpet making, bee keeping, horticulture, etc. The association also provides credit to the trainees for self employment in collaboration with Dedebit Credit and Saving institution for its administration.
Merha Tibeb Technical Training Center
Tel. 00251-04-403551 E-mail: P.O.Box 398, Mekelle Technical training Gives technical training in areas like woodwork, electronics, auto-mechanics and general mechanics.
Zonal Administration of Mekelle
Tel. 00251-04-400321 Fax. 00251-04-403927 P.O.Box 52, Mekelle Provides market area for MSEs. Encourages MSEs to form business associations Participates in the selection of MSE operator trainees.
Tigray Works and Urban Development Office
Tel. 00251-04-408773 Fax. 00251-04-408769 P.O.Box 225, Mekelle Making the necessary studies and selections the Office allocates market areas for business operators.
Tigray Investment Office
Tel. 00251-04-408522 Fax. 00251-04-408403 P.O.Box 947, Mekelle The Office facilitates the access for land, power, water, telecommunication facilities, etc. for investors. Gives licenses for investment.Permits tax exemptions, etc.
Tigray Co-operatives Organisation and Promotion Bureau
Tel. 00251-04-406964 Fax. 00251-04-406962 P.O.Box 1200, Mekelle The Bureau organises training programmes like basic business management and accounting skills for management committees of the Co-operative Societies Provides other supportive services in the process of by-law formulation, legal registration, audit service, etc. to the Co-operative Societies Gives market information.