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TPLF, ANDM, OPDO and SEPDM newly elected central committee members 2013 list

Tigrai Online March 21, 2013

President of Tigrai State Abay Woldu, Deputy Prime Minister .r. Debretsion Gebre Michael, C.C member Azeb Mesfin
The list of TPLF central committee members is shown below.

EPRDF member organizations had held their regular conferences in the first half of March in their respective state capitals. The TPLF’s 11th, The ANDM’s 10th, OPDO’s 7th and SEPDM’s 8th conferences were held successfully and all the member organizations elected new central committee members.

The list of TPLF central committee members is shown below. Please check out the list of central committee members for ANDM, SEPDM and OPDO by following this link.


D.r. Debretsion Gebre Michael

Abay Woldu

Azeb Mesfin

Abay Tsehaye

D.r. Tedros Adhanom

Fetlework Gebre Egziabiher

Byene Mekru

Kiross Bitew

Asmelash Woldesilase

Mikael Abraha

Roman GebreSilase

D.r. Addisalem Balema

Alem Gebrewahid

Gobezai Weldearegay

Aregash Beyene

Dr. Abraham Tekeste

Getachew Assefa

Tedros Hagos

Hagos Godefay

Daniel Assefa

Esaias Woldegworgis

Abadi Zemo

Gebremeskel Tareqe

Teklewyni Assefa

Nega Berhe

Tirfu Kedanemariam

Kdussan Nega

Hadush Zenebe

Tesfalem Yihdego

Twelde Gebretsadiq

Yitbarik Amaha

Eyasu Tesfay

Birhane Kidanemariam

Tsegay berhe

Yalem Tesgay

Dr. Kndeya Gebrehiwot

Tilahun Tarekenge

Tewelde Berhe

Birhane Tsigab

Haile Asfeha

Kyriya Ebrahim

Goytom Yibrah

Haftu Hadush

Tweldebirhan Tesfalem

Dr. Gebrehiwot Gebreegziabiher


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