Tigrai Onlne - February 20, 2014
The nine ships receintly bought by the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise (ESLSE) was suppose to be nameed after the nine Ethiopian regional states capital cities. For example one of the ships is named “Bahirdar” after the Amhara State capital city of Bahirdar, Hawassa for South, Finfine for Oromia and Jigjiga for Somali state. The other one is suppose to be named after the capital city of Tigrai State Mekelle, however the name printed on the vessel was spelled wrong. Instead of the meaningful and historical name of the capital Mekelle it was spelled to say Mekelye. Tigrai Online published an article asking for the name to be changed as soon as possible.
Facebook and other social media spread the message and generated so much public uproar. Radio Snit with collaboration of Tigrai Online broadcasted the issue. Author and VOA journalist Girmay Gebru among others voiced their support to the name change.
A formal request was presented to authorities to change the name.
Some people especially those who say one language one religion and their puppets strongly opposed the change. They argued the name was written in Amharic and there is nothing wrong with that, but the majority of people wanted it changed to the appropriate correct Name which is Tigrigna.
We don’t know if this was done by design or by accident to undermine the Tigrai people, but we are happy and proud to inform you that the name of the ship has been changed to the correct name of our city.
The people of Tigrai sacrificed more than sixty thousand young people to bring the freedom we enjoy today. We should actively watch some evil people are not nibbling away our hard earned rights.
One society's identity is defined by it's language, culture, history and common heritage, if some of those are eroded the society will seize to exist.
Tigrai Online will like to congratulate all those who worked hard to make this happen.
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