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AMISOM happy to have 4000 strong Ethiopian troops

Tigrai Onlne - January 23, 2014

Ethiopian troops join AMISOM in Somalia

The AMISOM family received a new member after Ethiopian forces officially joined the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia in January 22 as earlier approved by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2124 which authorized an additional force of over 4000 troops to bring the number of AMISOM peacekeepers in Somalia to over 22,126 strong force.

To symbolize the Ethiopian forces entry into AMISOM, the Force Commander (FC) Lt. General Silas Ntigurirwa pinned AU berets and armbands onto Ethiopian officers who removed their own berets signifying they were now formally AMISOM peacekeepers.

Background of Ethiopian Defense forces in Somalia

Ethiopian troops first entered Somalia in 2005 to destroy Al-Qeada related terrorist training center in northern Somalia. The Ethiopian troops completely annihilated the terrorist group and their training camp.

In October 2006 the Union of Islamic Courts led by Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys officially threatens Ethiopia. The Islamic Courts boasted it has 35,000 heavily armed highly trained fighters.  The Union of Islamic Courts was financially and militarily supported by Egypt and Eritrea and their headquarters was in Asmara. The regime in Asmara sent hundreds of military advisers to Southern Somalia where the Union of Islamic Courts has swept through all the towns.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi told the world Ethiopia is technically at war with the Somalia Islamists because they had openly declared jihad on Ethiopia.

In December 2006 Ethiopian troops obliterate the Islamists and capture many towns including Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia.

In March 2007 African Union peacekeepers land in Mogadishu with help of Ethiopian troops, but fighting in the capital continued.

May 2008 the UN Security Council unanimously approved to send warships to the Somalia waters. January 2009 Ethiopia withdraws it’s troops from Somalia.

October 2009 Al-Sshabab starts to recapture towns throughout southern Somalia and about one year later they officially declared their alliance with al-Qaeda.

October 2011 Kenyan troops entered Somalia because Al-Shabab’s terrorist activities inside Kenya. The Ethiopian government sends thousands of troops to northern Somalia dislodging Al-Shabab from many of the towns. In 2012 Al-Shabab has lost almost all of their key towns. Somalia’s first parliament is sworn in and a new president is elected.

June 2013 the senior leader of Al-Shabab Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is arrested. Somalia is stabilizing and the rebuilding of the country has started.

January 2014 after directly and indirectly engaging, cleaning and eradicating the worst terrorists in Somalia, the gallant Ethiopian troops are officially joining the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

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