Tigrai Online, November 24, 2013
The Ethiopian government effort to bring it’s citizens from Saudi Arabia where they have been abused by security forces and civilian mobs continues.
The Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom has said in just ten days a total of 30,000 Ethiopians have been repatriated until late Friday night November 23, 2013. He also said a revised estimate of the total Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia is much greater than it was assumed before. The Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia could be up to eighty thousand. (updated 24, 2013 number or retuned changed)
Reports from Saudi Arabia said they are planning to deport 32,000 Ethiopians by the end November 2013.
The Ethiopian government is doing an impressive job of bringing the stranded Ethiopians form Saudi Arabia.
Once all the deportees are back home the job for the government is not finished. It has to make sure their resettlement is as smooth as possible it is not going to be an easy task.
We would assume the enemies of the Ethiopian people would have used this crisis to sneak to the country to create problems. It wouldn’t be farfetched to assume that some terrorist groups might have tried to send their agents to Ethiopia with deported Ethiopians. Weeding out all the bad people from the innocent is going to take and energy.
We would like to hope the Ethiopian government is doing all they can to protect the country.
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