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Mr. Redae Halefom, TPLF Central Committee member speaks with Tigrai TV about the proposed merger of EPRDF

Tigrai Online Nov. 9, 2019

Merging EPRDF now will be equal to "Cat plus mouse = Cat" it will be a disaster because the parties will cannibalize each other.


Mr. Redae Halefom, Tigray People's Liberation Front – TPLF Central Committee member speaks extensively with Tigrai TV about the proposed merger of the ruling coalition, Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, EPRDF and the dangers ahead for Ethiopia. In the Amharic interview Readae says if the merger is carried out there will be catastrophic consciences for the party, for the Ethiopian people and the country.

Mr. Redae said the people who are pushing the issue of merging the parties to create a single party have a sinister hidden agenda. He added the TPLF doesn’t oppose the idea of merging in principle, but at this time the EPRDF parties are not in a position to form a single party. Redae explained, first the EPRDF parties need to resolve the bitter conflict among them before merging. He added over all the rush to create a single party by forcing the parties to devolve the coalition is a path to a unitary system and away from the federal system.

Mr. Redae Halefom intervew on Tigrai TV

Mr. Redae Halefom, TPLF Central Committee member speaks extensively with Tigrai TV about merger of EPRDF and it's consiconses

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