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Ethiopia is building state of the art modern Engine factory

Tigrai Online, August 28, 2015

Ethiopia is building a huge state of the art engine factory that will produce thousands of different engines a year
The factory will produce from 20 to 30 thousand different types of engines. Engines

Ethiopia is building a huge state of the art engine factory that will produce thousands of different engines a year.

The factory will produce from 20 to 30 thousand different types of engines. Engines for cars, trucks, tractors, building industry machineries, and other small engines will be engineered and fabricated in the factory.


The engine factory is being built in Mekelle, the capital city of Tigrai state in northern Ethiopia. The engine manufacturing plant is set in 30 hectares of land and it is 90 percent completed.

Amanuel Abraha an official with Power Engineering Industry said the factory will be finalized and start production in November 2015.

Once the engine factory starts production it will have close ties with other automotive, spare parts production and engineering companies in the country.

The Ethiopian engine factory will create direct employment for about 1500 people.

This is a fundamental shift in the Ethiopian industrialization process. Manufacturing engines inside Ethiopia takes the country to the next level of conceptualization, engineering, and manufacturing products.

Many countries in the world are consumers of finished products. Products like cars, computers, phones, food products, textile, and other millions of products manufactured in some other country.

Some countries buy most of the parts for a product and assemble the finished product in their country. They might also have some light production to compliment their assembly plants. Ethiopia is in this level at this point, however building the new engine manufacturing factory will totally change that. It is not the one factory that would miraculously change the industrialization of Ethiopia, but it is the concept and the ideas behind it that will help Ethiopia make the quantum leap.

We would like to congratulate the Ethiopian government for having the confidence and the courage to make this strategic decision.

Power Engineering Industry was established about five years ago with 46 workers and 200 thousand Ethiopian Birr capital. Now the company is operating with over ten thousand employees and over five billion birr capital.

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