Ethiopia Declares State Of Emergency to restore law and order
Tigrai Online, Ethiopian News, Sept. Oct. 9, 2016
Ethiopian Prime Minister declares state of emergency to restore law and order and stop foreign countries interference in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government has declared State of Emergency to restore law and order and stop the lawlessness spreading in the country orchestrated by Egypt and the Eritrean government.
For the past few months Ethiopia has been rocked by illegal demonstrations led by armed gangsters. The terror groups funded by Ethiopian enemies have been roaming around in Amara and Oromia regions destroying property and killing innocent civilians.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said in a televised address "We put our citizens' safety first. Besides, we want to put an end to the damage that is being carried out against infrastructure projects, education institutions, hospitals, administration and justice buildings."
It is about time the Ethiopian government take actions to insure the safety of the Ethiopian people and security and integrity of the country.
Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn indicated the Ethiopian constitution Article 93/1-6 Declaration of State of Emergency gives the government to declare the state of emergency at this point.
The state of emergency will greatly help improve the internal security of Ethiopia. The question now is what the government is going to do about the foreign powers especially Egypt and Eritrea who are financing, training, and organizing the terrorists to destabilizing Ethiopia.
Ethiopian Prime Minister declares state of emergency to restore law and order and stop foreign countries interference in Ethiopia
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