Over 50 people have lost their lives in Oromia State of Ethiopia in a stampede
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Over 50 people have lost their lives in Oromia State of Ethiopia in a stampede

Tigrai Online, Ethiopian News, Sept. Oct. 2, 2016

Stampede at Irreech Festival in Oromia, Ethiopia
Thousands of people were gathered for their annual Irreecha Festival in Bisheftu town Oromia state of Ethiopia


Thousands of people were gathered for their annual Irreecha Festival in Oromia state of Ethiopia. The religious and cultural festival was on its way when organized criminals started interrupting the elders who were leading the festivities. The anti peace elements not only did they disrupt the festival, but they started chanting slogans against the government and enticing the crowd to go out of control.

The police tried to keep the crowd under control and let the festival keep going, but the trouble makers purposely went up the stage and pushed the elders aside inviting the crowd to the stage. The police attempt to control the crowd peacefully did not work and the crowds were pushing forward towards the stage where they can harm the elders. At that point the police started to take crowd control methods to prevent people from getting hurt. The security forces used teargas to disperse the crowd since the gangs were determined not to let the festival to continue.  Some of the rowdy members of the crowd run in all directions triggering a massive stampede which caused some people to fall down and be trampled to their deaths.

Most of the people got hurt when they run into a ditch and some people might have run and fell into a deep water and drown.

Government Communiction Office of Ethiopia says this was instigated by anti peace forces

The Irreech Festival is an ancient Thanksgiving Festival celebrated by the Oromo people of Ethiopia. The colorful and most peaceful festival is much anticipated annual event by everyone in the region and attended by thousands of people every year.

This year it was expected almost a million people to attend the festival in the city of Bishoftu, but Ethiopia's enemies had their own plan for the festival. Egypt and Eritrea are trying to portray Ethiopia as unstable nation, so they unleashed their gangsters to disrupt the peaceful religious celebration.

We think members of the terrorist groups were waiting in the crowd until the festival is on its way and lead their team to disrupt the elders. For all we know they could have been members of the terrorist group Gilbert 7. The aim was to create conflict between the Ethiopian security forces and the civilian Oromo people who came to the festival and cause the loss of life.

The desperate plea by the narrow and racist Amhara groups.

For the past few weeks the North Western part of the Amhara State has been in a very destructive situation. Some narrow and racist Amhara who are naively trying to reverse the progress registered in Ethiopia have been rampaging around the state. They have burned private businesses, government institutions, houses of civilians, and public infrastructures. The outlaws and marauders mainly targeted people who are from the Tigrai ethnic group. Even though the people of Tigrai didn’t show any sign of retaliating in an organized manner, the narrow Amhara groups have been openly begging the Oromo people to join them in their destructive mission of breaking the country in to pieces. Unfortunately for the evil forces of retardation the great people of Oromo said thank you but, thank you.

The Oromo have their own legitimate question to the Ethiopian government and it has nothing to do with bringing the dead and buried rotten system of Amhara domination. As most of the nations in Ethiopia the Oromo people are benefiting from the federal system in Ethiopia. The FDRE government should listen to the Oromo question and address in a democratic way if it wants to keep the country united. These people are not running around brandishing guns deporting innocent people from their houses. They are demonstrating some kind of injustice mainly peacefully by crossing their hands,  SO WHAT?

The EPRDF government should answer the Oromo questions first and cut off the link from Egypt and Eritrea to any terror group in Ethiopia once and for all.

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